You can access the following colors through Spruce’s $colors
map by default. You can also use the color() helper function to access the colors.
We store the color values in a central map named $colors
. It is a nested object separated by components.
To eliminate the repetition, we use some helper variables for the more generic colors (which we use more than once). You can overwrite these directly to make the theming easier or from the object one by one.
@use 'sprucecss/scss/spruce' with (
$color-black: hsl(205deg 100% 2%),
$color-danger: hsl(0deg 71% 51%),
$color-gray: hsl(208deg 9% 42%),
$color-gray-light: hsl(215deg 63% 93%),
$color-primary: hsl(262deg 71% 49%),
$color-secondary: hsl(227deg 92% 55%),
$color-success: hsl(150deg 100% 33%),
$color-white: hsl(0deg 0% 100%),
Below is the full declaration of the $colors
@use 'sprucecss/scss/spruce' with (
$colors: (
'alert': (
'danger': $color-danger,
'info': hsl(195deg 100% 42%),
'success': $color-success,
'warning': hsl(48deg 89% 55%),
'base': (
'background': $color-white,
'blockquote-border': $color-primary,
'border': $color-gray-light,
'code-background': color.change($color-primary, $lightness: 97%),
'code-foreground': $color-black,
'heading': $color-black,
'link': $color-primary,
'link-hover': color.scale($color-primary, $lightness: -20%),
'mark-background': hsl(50deg 100% 80%),
'mark-foreground': $color-black,
'marker': $color-primary,
'primary': $color-primary,
'secondary': $color-secondary,
'strong': $color-black,
'text': $color-gray,
'btn': (
'primary-background': $color-primary,
'primary-background-hover': color.adjust($color-primary, $lightness: -10%),
'primary-foreground': $color-white,
'primary-shadow': color.adjust($color-primary, $lightness: 35%),
'secondary-background': $color-secondary,
'secondary-background-hover': color.adjust($color-secondary, $lightness: -10%),
'secondary-foreground': $color-white,
'secondary-shadow': color.adjust($color-secondary, $lightness: 35%),
'form': (
'background': $color-white,
'background-disabled': hsl(0deg 0% 95%),
'border': hsl(260deg 4% 70%),
'border-disabled': $color-gray-light,
'border-focus': $color-primary,
'check-background': $color-primary,
'check-focus-ring': $color-primary,
'check-foreground': $color-white,
'group-label-background': hsl(210deg 60% 98%),
'group-label-foreground': $color-gray,
'invalid': $color-danger,
'invalid-focus-ring': color.adjust($color-danger, $alpha: -0.75),
'label': $color-black,
'legend': $color-black,
'placeholder': hsl(208deg 7% 40%),
'range-thumb-background': $color-primary,
'range-thumb-focus-ring': $color-primary,
'range-track-background': $color-gray-light,
'ring-focus': color.adjust($color-primary, $alpha: -0.75),
'select-foreground': $color-black,
'switch-background': $color-primary,
'switch-focus-ring': $color-primary,
'switch-foreground': $color-white,
'text': $color-gray,
'valid': $color-success,
'valid-focus-ring': color.adjust($color-success, $alpha: -0.75),
'selection': (
'foreground': $color-white,
'background': $color-primary,
'scrollbar': (
'thumb-background': hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 15%),
'thumb-background-hover': hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 25%),
'track-background': hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 5%),
'table': (
'border': $color-gray-light,
'caption': $color-gray,
'heading': $color-black,
'hover': hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 5%),
'stripe': hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 2.5%),
'text': $color-gray,
We declare the colors with the modern HSL syntax. The generated values are given and converted by Sass by default.
Spruce generates prefixed CSS variables at :root
by group from the nested map above.
You can always access a generated variable by name, but it is easier to use the custom getter function named color()
a {
color: color('primary');
.control {
background-color: color('primary-background', 'btn');
Because the colors are in a Sass map, it is easy to overwrite them or add new values, blocks.
@use 'sprucecss/scss/spruce' with (
$colors: (
'base': (
'primary': hsl(0 0% 15%),
'tertiary': hsl(332deg 49% 29%),
'my-custom-component': (
'background': hsl(0deg 0% 100%),
Spruce CSS supports dark-mode, which we mainly achieve through CSS Custom Properties. You can use the $dark-colors
map to set up your dark colors.
$dark-colors: ();
In this example, you can see how you can generate a component - an alert - using Spruce’s colors with Sass’s @each
and map.get
@use 'sass:color';
@use 'sass:map';
@use 'sprucecss/scss/spruce' as *;
.alert {
border: 1px solid;
border-left: 0.35rem solid;
border-radius: config('border-radius-lg', $display);
font-weight: 500;
gap: spacer('m');
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 0.65em 1em;
@each $name, $value in map.get($colors, 'alert') {
@at-root .alert--#{$name} {
background-color: color.scale($value, $lightness: 90%);
color: color.scale($value, $lightness: -30%);
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